Embracing Growth Through Authenticity

As I reflect on the journey travelled and worked on so far, I am profoundly grateful for the challenges and struggles that have shaped me. When I shared this with a friend, this image was created for me. It inspired me to blog about it from my and my company’s perspective. At SolarisRTC, our commitment […]
Reflecting on a Year of Gratitude: Serving Clients, Advancing Healthcare

We all are patients As the year wraps up, I’m deeply grateful for the privilege of collaborating with my clients. Every project I’ve undertaken, every solution we’ve crafted together, has been a step forward—not just for their growth, but for the betterment of healthcare as a whole. Helping my clients develop and excel in their domains […]
The Urgent Need for Global Collaboration in Health Care

In this digital era, where we have so many emerging products and technological advancements which are creating opportunities we never experienced before, it’s saddening to observe gaps in global health care. One of them is disparity in the provision of diagnosis and treatment of diseases such as cervical cancer across the globe. In certain parts […]
Moving from Boston to Silver Spring: A Journey of Dedication and Devotion

Moving from Boston to Silver Spring: A Journey of Dedication and Devotion Even though I truly enjoyed living in Boston, it was time for a move. It was time to move closer to the heart of what matters most. Patients matter. Good care matters. Everyone has the right to be taken care of. The decisions […]
No more side effects

No more side effects A quick search with key words “side effect definition” resulted in a list with multiple definitions, of which I picked the three (3) references Google displayed at the top: NCI dictionary of cancer terms* “An effect of a drug or other type of treatment that is in addition to or beyond […]
One size does not fit all

One size does not fit all As many of you, I was participating in the annual American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) event. It always impresses me the amount of individuals participating in this event and working in this space. I am grateful to be one of them, to be a cog in this continuum […]
Science talks. Collaborative partnerships make it happen.

Science talks. Collaborative partnerships make it happen. The LDT rule. It is here, it has been announced. There are many comments, blogs, websites, articles, webinars, panel sessions and posts published about it and it affects many. Therefore, I am grateful to notice that all affected stakeholders, have been, are and keep partnering in development of […]
Combining medical with business

Why this blog today? To emphasize what lab medicine needs, i.e., a holistic approach from a holistic viewpoint to solve the current problems we are facing. Using technology, with a business mindset to help patients. The other week I was honored to present my use case, a holistic approach from a holistic viewpoint “AI tools in […]
Hello 2024!

May 2024 be wonderful! Wow, 2023 has been quite a year personally and professionally. Just like most of us, I use this last week of 2023 to reflect, personally and professionally. This year professionally includes my own business, focusing on precision medicine, digital pathology and regulatory science. Having our SolarisRTC team grown and evolve, we […]
…High on the agenda? Difficult? Important? Necessary?

… High on the agenda? Difficult? Important? Necessary? These are some examples of the unpublished words of the question “Why is interoperability so…?” of my previous blog. The answer to all these? Because it brings value to whom needs it! Yes, unfortunately it is also the answer to the question why interoperability is so difficult. […]