When you say Orlando, you think Disney, Universal…I think Pathology Visions!
Last week it was Halloween weekend, and it didn’t go unnoticed at the Pathology Visions conference…walking to the conference, we had to pass a spooky event. Many spooky costumes, masks, puppets,…People invested a lot of efforts in dressing up and it was impressive to observe. But more impressive was Pathology Visions.
As always, it was well organized by the Digital Pathology Association (DPA) and there were ~800 attendees. The atmosphere was “SHARING”. Knowledge sharing, innovation sharing, experience sharing, ideas sharing, all to support each other to ensure digital pathology will soon become ‘pathology’.
Many new ideas surfaced, backed up with scientific discoveries and research. The science that was presented was impressive and thorough. It is fantastic many new discoveries were presented, as well as existing optimizations were shown, ranging from workflow optimization such as automatic synoptic coding, to reporting and billing, as well as prediction of clinical outcomes or diagnostic decision support in cytology, histology, hematology or frozen sections.
At the same time, DPA members worked collaboratively taking the opportunity to address the proposed LDT as a collective.
It pleases me, it makes me happy to observe this. People with dedication, commitment, and believes to make it happen. To make it happen to transform health care from volume based to value based care.
I am proud having been honored for my services as president 2022, but I am not special. I am like YOU, I am a team player. It was my pleasure to be serving with YOU, as a collective, as a united team. I am here to work with the board, with YOU, to serving our community. I am privileged to share it has been and still is my personal vision and ambition to ensure innovation will be implemented and applied to benefit us all.
As I used to say, and still say:
“Through our collaborations we build a strong foundation to connect all crucial elements in digital health to deliver Precision Medicine to patients.”
We have had a great journey and will have a great journey ahead of us and I am invested to walk this path TOGETHER WITH YOU!