One size does not fit all

As many of you, I was participating in the annual American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) event. It always impresses me the amount of individuals participating in this event and working in this space. I am grateful to be one of them, to be a cog in this continuum called health care, a part of the community dedicated and devoted to improve health care. I am grateful to collaborate and contribute to define a new path to better manage cancer which affects many of us, if not all of us, indirectly or directly. There is still so much unknown. And this year, ASCO was telling me this more than ever.

Please don’t get me wrong, we came a long way and made so much progress in a short time frame. I am coming from the view point that I observed ASCO is mostly looking at it from the treatment perspective. When walking the booths, most of the current products authorized to be marketed, are developed for a specific target, based on a specific mechanism of action. When walking the posters, a lot of research is being executed, trying to identify new pathogenic features to find which features can predict treatment response, and some focused on predicting prognosis. When listening to presentations, a lot information was shared about specific use cases including how patients could respond to drug treatment, radio therapy, to combination of treatments, to different doses, to treatment after surgery and how it varies from patient to patient.

One size does not fit all.

This tells me, that our journey only just started. We are far from our goal to identify who has a high risk of developing cancer, what type of cancer, what caused this particular cancer to be developed within this particular individual, what is the risk profile for certain types of cancers and their progression, and what treatment can influence the outcome, and even more so, how to prevent this disease? 

And that is why I am grateful and pleased to observe and say, there are more and more companies, health care providers as well as competent authorities collaborating to accelerate the discoveries, and developments to drive towards tangible solutions. I truly hope with all our efforts we all are putting &  investing into this that we soon also have payors supporting this. 

Hence a reminder. What got us here, won’t keep us here.  We need to do better. I am 1000% invested and committed and am doing so. This is my purpose, this is why SolarisRTC exists.